Lifestyle Instruction Aid

Giving help when people need it the most.


First Aid for Your Lifestyle.



The Workshop Purchase page is your place for an expert professional opinion on your health matters.

Lifestyle Instruction Aid

Wellness RISK Management (WRM)


Measure  -   Assess  -   Identify  -   Prioritize  -  Motivate


If you are in PAIN!
Dirty Pain, Clean Pain, How Do You Tell the Difference?


Follow the Science PILOT Program

Help for Worker's Wellness, Cost Free to the Company

The End Goal

S  M  A  R  T

S= Specific

      M= Measurable

     A= Attainable

  R= Relevant

        T= Time-Based 

Above all, we want things thorough and comprehensive in the Self-Help field for workers to gain the advantages they need, at their own level, in Chronic Disease Prevention Strategies. Small changes are usually easy. We help people find the right ones for them.


To review the program, start here at

AND, Start on our Library page at

The biggest problem in modern health care is people not doing what science has shown they should be doing.

Steps to Review Our New Wellness Model

Before You Contact Us

Advice for companies and organisations reviewing our Wellness Risk Management (WRM) program. There are two ways a company can start-up offering WRM. Offer WRM as a recruitment perk or as a Wellness service to all workers. Contact us to explain those please.


 1. Review the four pages at:
 2. Review the ten pages at:
 3. Have a look at the first page at:
 4. Review the workshop purchase page at:
 5. Keep in mind we are gathering research statistics on WRM. Statistics are anonymous and for the use of WRM.

We also have a set of pdf documents for those who prefer pdf documents. See the pdf Documents link in the top menu bar.


Workshop Purchase Page

30 Questionnaires, 38 scores


Dr. Ouellette trained in Canada and graduated as a chiropractor in 1973. Continuing studies in multidimensional fields Dr. Ouellette obtained a Master of Science Degree in Biology 1987 (with emphasis on Nutrition) and a three years sports injury course in 1989. Dr. Ouellette is a Certified Member of the Royal College of Chiropractic Sports Sciences (Canada). Developing Wellness Risk Management as a new non-health care related industry became a passion. Biology is biology, health-care is disease-care and Wellness is multidimensional. It is the same for all race types, and belief ideology structural types. Learning all the secrets is the key. Step one is "Where are all my Wellness needs?" Step two is "How do I meet all my needs every week?"

  • Wellness, Let’s Get Started
    The basic concept with regard to Wellness Risk Management is that people can’t do Wellness alone. If they could, we would not have the degeneration that we see in our communities now-days.

  • The media, the Internet, healthcare professionals, and so-called Wellness specialists, do not offer complete multidimensional Wellness Risk Measurement nor Wellness Risk Management. What they offer is their own private version of a truncated Wellness that fits their skills.

  • Wellness is complex and complicated. People need full Wellness Risk Management in order to build an effective, meaningful Wellness improvement.

There is one place that covers cutting edge nutritional science, pertinent clinical red flags, and Chronic Disease Prevention Strategies. It’s thorough, complete and covers all five pillars of Optimal Health Secrets, plus much more. Moving forward in life on a self-help basis, whether it be overall Wellness, weight loss, natural pain relief, or attitude improvements starts with measurement and then requires trained help. Wellness Risk Management is that help.

You can find measurement and management at

See Dr. Ouellette's full profile at


For Clinicians and Trained Health Care Workers

This web site is for health care professionals. Please do not refer clients or patients to this web site. You can send people to the LifestyleInstruction web site. Thank you.


Video slide show


Our Message
We can help people become SMART ACTIVE.

People need more than just becoming active. People need "Smart Active", a targeted "active" that is based on science.

The Pain Relief Lifestyle gives people a smart natural pain relief. It gives people the "Smarts" and the "Active".

The first step is to get the smart numbers on behaviours. Getting the numbers is achieved by taking the Canadian Holistic Online Consultation.

  • Knowledge through numbers
  • Guidance
  • Connection
  • Workshop repetition
  • Rescue

What is the Pain Relief Diet?
In a nutshell, the Pain Relief Diet is Applied Nutrition Science. We are applying the science of natural pain relief to the foods we eat. The Pain Relief Diet is part of the Pain Relief Lifestyle.


Our Mission
To Teach and Guide

Our mission is to teach people, and guide people, along the roadway to optimal health wellness. We measure behaviours for optimal health factors, then teach the parameters of the Pain Relief Lifestyle, including the Pain Relief Diet, and the Five Pillars of Optimal Health Secrets.

We are building a new health care service industry offering Dr. Ouellette's Optimal Health Wellness Assessment, the Canadian Holistic Online Consultation at as the initial measuring tool, then providing one-on-one help to people who feel they need extra help with improving their lifestyle. Lifestyle Instruction Aid (LIA) is designed as a type of first aid for the lifestyle.


Lifestyle Improvement 

Grade your client's lifestyle.

Most people, and most doctors, have a general idea where to start. The Canadian Holistic Online Consultation will show a person where they stand in relation to the scores of other people and it will Red Flag scores that need first priority. These numbers also provide clinicians a ready made Progress Chart of the patient's or client's scores. Lifestyle instruction then becomes much easier and tracking progress becomes easy on a single glance at a page. Lifestyle instruction is designed to augment self-help and the natural pain relief lifestyle.


Health Advice Therapy

Dr. Ouellette would be happy to provide Health Advice Therapy to patients or clients in one of three venues. If  clients or patients live close to Burlington Ontario then Dr. Ouellette can provide in-office Health Advice Therapy. If they live far away then he can provide the advice service over the telephone or Internet. Please contact us for information on our referral program.

You always have the option to have your patients or clients measured with the Canadian Holistic Online Consultation and then dispense health advice yourself using the  Dr. Ouellette's Optimal Health Progress Chart with it's 38 optimal health scores as a guide. For more information on the Progress Chart please contact us. 


Our Niches

Our two niches are natural pain relief and optimal health wellness. We use the pain relief lifestyle protocols that include the Pain Relief Diet, for the pain relief module, and the consultation Report of Findings recommendations for the optimal health wellness module. The Report of Findings also includes recommendations for the Pain Relief Diet.


Commission Based Reactivation Program

We are offering commissions for referrals. Our referral program is a good opportunity for any health care office to contact past patients to offer a reactivation proposal to them. In that reactivation proposal we recommend the inclusion of a referral to our web site to all those people who do not want to reactivate. This Reactivation campaign may capture and return a portion of the people who may be interested in self-help pain relief and/or optimal health secrets.

All a clinic or a practitioner would need to do is sign up as an agent to obtain an Agent registration number. Contact us for more information.

The Lifestyle Instruction Aid program would not conflict with any present program a clinic or a practitioner might have for dispensing lifestyle wellness advice. The clinic or practitioner retains control of the client. Integration of this new program is quite easy. A practitioner can choose what information to use and what focus their patient or client should take.

After a client's lifestyle has been measured by Dr. Ouellette's Optimal Health Wellness Assessment tool, the Canadian Holistic Online Consultation at, they will receive a comprehensive Optimal Health Progress Chart. Thirty-eight numbers will be given that describe their results.

Some people will be able to make improvements on their own. Many people will need help. It is just human nature to lapse and end up where they were before. Lifestyle Instruction Aid is designed to help people stay focused on their Action Plan. As a clinician, or trained health care worker, you are licensed to provide advice according to your professional licence. That licence allows you to modify any recommendations give by our program. Our program was designed specifically to allow clinicians control of their patient.

Recommendations in the consultation Report of Findings that is obtained in Dr. Ouellette's Wellness Workshops, are given for ranges of scores. When a client falls into a specific range then they receive the recommendations for that range.


Action Plan

The Action Plan is the road map to lifestyle improvement. Prioritising items in the plan and getting new items if all listed items are accomplished quickly, is what Lifestyle Instruction Aid is all about. Thinking of Lifestyle Instruction Aid (LIA) as First Aid for the lifestyle helps one understand that it is not medical care that is dispensed. A comprehensive set of Instructor's Notes on each client's scores is available for Instructors. Those notes go only to the Instructor not the client. For more information on the Instructor's Notes please contact us.


Benefits to Your Clinic

  • Obtain a full holistic consultation.
  • Does not supplant your own consultation.
  • You are always assured every client is asked the same questions.
  • Tells you how the client claims they are feeling at this time.
  • Tells you what the client claims they are doing at this time.
  • Tells you what the client claims they are eating at this time.
  • Identifies red flags for you.
  • Identifies yellow flags that may need to be investigated.      

 Have a look at our Providers page on the Consultation web site.